“Every part of my body is in harmony with the living Spirit within me. The life of this Divine Spirit flows through every atom of my being, revitalizing, reinvigorating and renewing every particle of my physical body.” – Ernest Holmes

I was in the reception area of my chiropractor’s office and overhead a conversation in the hallway. One person said they were not looking forward to their birthday coming up later this month. They dreaded the idea of being another year older and were hesitant to celebrate. Their co-worker agreed.
Their comment stuck with me. I thought about a friend with cancer who gives thanks for every day she has. There are families whose loved ones did not survive the virus and they grieve their loss.
In the world before COVID (B.C.) we took people, plans, experiences and our health for granted. We were comfortable knowing we had plenty of time and energy to do what we wanted, when we wanted. In today’s world, nothing is certain. We are learning to be flexible in a shaky, chaotic world.
In the B.C. world, birthdays could be seen as a nuisance, a reminder we are getting older. In the post COVID world—I say they are a blessing, acknowledging how fleeting and fragile life is.
Perhaps living in our post-pandemic life is less about the outer experiences and more about the inner reflections and opportunities to grow and connect. What brings me joy? Who can I send love to today? What am I grateful for?
When we are grateful we send out a vibration of love. That vibration benefits us and raises the vibration of the planet. Something we need more than ever.
I am grateful for my healthy, vibrant body.
I am gratefully enjoy each day of my life.
I am appreciative of all the ways I am loved and blessed.
What are you grateful for?