It’s None of My Business

“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking,

the whole world belongs to you. Lao Tzu

As a new Science of Mind student, I would passionately pray my spiritual mind treatment. Immediately I would speculate how my prayer was going to be answered. My prayers were usually about money since I believed that there wasn’t enough to go around. I would wait for the mail to show up only to find an empty mailbox. I would check to see if any clients called with potential business, but no one called.

When I complained to my practitioner, she reminded that it was none of my business where or how my good will appear. She said, “If you continue to look for it, you haven’t developed your faith.”

I discovered there are three steps to building faith: Hope, trust and gratitude. Hope is a sense of doubtful expectation. We hope something good will happen to us but underneath,  doubt and fears linger. Those doubts and fears produce a type of anxiety called waiting. 

As we release the doubts and fears, we begin to develop trust. We have a deeper conviction in the creative process of life and develop greater patience. The stress of waiting is replaced by patience and a sense of calmness that all is well.

Here was the important part for me: not to look for the demonstration of good but to give thanks that it was already done. Gratitude is the expansiveness of faith.

I learned it was none of my business how my prayer would be demonstrated but I now give thanks that it is already received. Lesson learned. 

Affirmation: I give thanks that what I desire is already received.

Conscious Prosperity

desert flowers“Your personal welfare begins with your consciousness. It is not what happens on Wall Street. It is not the “state of the economy.” It has its inception in the state of your mind. You can be prosperous when business is poor, and you can experience financial difficulties even when business is booming.” Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth

It is so easy to get sidetracked by what is on the news or what our neighbor said or what our family thinks of us. It takes practice to stay centered on spiritual truth, knowing that God is the only source of our supply. All good comes from God. It may come to us through a company, person, opportunity. But the source is God.

Knowing that frees us from being victim of the world around us. Practicing makes it reality in our lives.