“Everything you judge you fear. Think about it. Ask yourself what you judge, and then ask yourself why you fear, and you will know this in your heart once and for all.” Paul Selig, Book of Love and Creation
It is very popular to play the blame game in today’s society. We often look a scapegoat, someone to blame for the problems of the world. We blame the government, stock market, banks, wealthy people, poor people, big business, other countries and our parents for the pain and suffering of today’s world. We point fingers and worry about what others are doing or not doing. When we do that, we are simply spreading fear.
It’s so easy to judge what others are doing and give advice to how they should change their behavior. Actually it is a way to avoid looking at our own limiting beliefs and fear-based thoughts. An important step on our spiritual journey is to take responsibility and pay attention to what we are doing, thinking and saying.
Responsibility is not about blaming ourselves. Responsibility is the ability to respond. It is the freedom to take action. It is the power to change. When we take responsibility, we face our fears and take steps to move past them.
Practice looking at what you want instead of what you don’t want. Ask each day “What is mine to do to make the world a better place?” Release judgment and anger and send love instead. When we send love we raise the vibration for everyone.
Be gentle. Practice compassion. Having compassion for ourselves and others opens us to love and be loved. Compassion awakens love in us. Love is the healing power beyond judgment and blame. There is always a choice.
Speak this prayer attunement aloud whenever you are feeling separate, angry, or judgmental. Speak it aloud for yourself when you are feeling fearful.
I don’t know about you, but this holiday season has felt like a rollercoaster of emotions. Lofty highs and rock-bottom lows and depleting energy in-between. I found myself feeling blue for no real reason or feeling lonely with plenty of people around. I feel like I have a label on my forehead that reads — Fragile: Handle with Care.
We are all a bit fragile during the holidays. There are expectations, demands, promises, hopes, fears, worries, and grief all swirling together. We have our own personal challenges to deal with as well as feeling the pain of humanity’s injustices.
Here is my simple practice to bring me back to balance.
• Breathe and remember the gift of life.
• Be mindful and acknowledge how I am feeling.
• Be grateful for all the blessings in my life.
• Love myself first and extend that love to others.
• Speak with loving kindness.
Here is a prayer that brings me back to Love:
I am grateful for this new day. I embrace this day knowing God is revealed as the radiant, energizing, joy-filled presence of Love. I know Love moves into the very cells of my being bringing light, harmony, and peace. I accept guidance to willingly let go of any resentment, hurt or disappointment. I invite the healing presence of Love to wash away any pain or darkness. I enter this day with a grateful heart and receive all the blessings Love has in store for me. And so it is. Amen.
Regardless of emotions or appearances in your life, please know that you are loved and appreciated.
May the light of the season guide your days with wisdom, fill your heart with joy and surround you with the presence of love.
I don’t know about you, but this holiday season has felt like a rollercoaster of emotions. Lofty highs and rock-bottom lows and depleting energy in-between. I found myself feeling blue for no real reason or feeling lonely with plenty of people around. I feel like I have a label on my forehead that reads — Fragile: Handle with Care.
We are all a bit fragile during the holidays. There are expectations, demands, promises, hopes, fears, worries, and grief all swirling together. We have our own personal challenges to deal with as well as feeling the pain of humanity’s injustices.
Here is my simple practice to bring me back to balance.
• Breathe and remember the gift of life.
• Be mindful and acknowledge how I am feeling.
• Be grateful for all the blessings in my life.
• Love myself first and extend that love to others.
• Speak with loving kindness.
Here is a prayer that brings me back to Love:
I am grateful for this new day. I embrace this day knowing God is revealed as the radiant, energizing, joy-filled presence of Love. I know Love moves into the very cells of my being bringing light, harmony, and peace. I accept guidance to willingly let go of any resentment, hurt or disappointment. I invite the healing presence of Love to wash away any pain or darkness. I enter this day with a grateful heart and receive all the blessings Love has in store for me. And so it is. Amen.
Regardless of emotions or appearances in your life, please know that you are loved and appreciated.
May the light of the season guide your days with wisdom, fill your heart with joy and surround you with the presence of love.
“Grief I’ve learned, is really just love. It is all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump of your throat and in that hallow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.” — Jamie Anderson
“As I become conscious of my Oneness with God, I am filled with enthusiasm and a sense of energy and vitality.” – Ernest Holmes
Feeling tired lately? You are not alone! Vitality seems to be in short supply these days. There are so many challenges that drain our energy and can leave us sleepless and exhausted.
Vitality Is defined an exuberance; living with purpose. But some days it can be quite a feat to move from exhausted to vitality. It takes practice to take a breath, take a pause, and let go of our self-imposed demands. It often takes courage to ask for help and compassion to release our need for perfection. When we practice letting go we open the heart to more love, and we naturally feel more enthusiasm and vitality for life.
I feel vitality when I am in nature, at the ocean, forest, or desert, I feel a newness and freshness. My friend feels it when she is with her granddaughter. The world seems to stop and she is completely in the moment and in a state of unconditional love. Another friend feels exactly the same way when playing with her dog, feeling immense love and joy.
When we tap into vitality we are tapping into our connection with the divine and the life force energy. We feel an aliveness and appreciation for life itself. Eric Butterworth describes vitality as “All the the attributes of the Infinite are in focus as you, flowing forth through you. You are this flow.”
Pay attention to what makes you feel energized. You may not feel it every day and that’s okay. If we are willing to recognize vitality and pay attention, it happens more frequently. To some it may show up as an abundance of energy and to others it may be a quiet sense of purpose and gratitude. Wherever we are, we are connecting with the frequency of love.
“The purpose of life is the expansion of happiness.” Deepak Chopra
Expansion of Life is the fourth step of exploring the frequency of love.
Letting go
Opening the heart
Vibrating vitality
Expansion of life
When we are able to let go, open the heart, tap into vitality we open to the expansion of life. There is an expanded sense of self and a deepening of our mystical experience. This is divine power.
Living in a world that craves external power, Carolyn Myss reminds us, “Power originates behind your eyes, not in front of your eyes. Once power becomes visible, it evaporates. True power is invisible.”
Expansion is the all-encompassing presence of love. Now we live in the awareness of love as a frequency, a vibration, a presence of grace. We no longer try to possess love but instead learn to live as an expanded sense of self and give love away.
Practice sending love every chance you have. Send energy, send light, send grace. It is all love. Whatever you give out graciously is returned multiplied.
Enjoy the journey.
Affirm: I am grateful for the expansion of love as my life.