
I am deeply grateful to serve as a spiritual mentor. My heart fills with joy to watch my clients grow and blossom on their spiritual journey. Here are some recent testimonials.

“I asked Christine to be my abundance coach and received so much more. She listened, shared insights and offered effective tools for maintaining our relationship on a spiritual path while we were closing down our family business of 44 years. I feel profoundly grateful for her prayerful and effective coaching–with her help both my partner and I came through this experience with our love intact. ” Carol D, Portland, OR

“I was 50 years old, divorced, and stuck in the middle of my career in the communication industry. I was enrolled in Christine’s class on Spiritual Economics, and I enjoyed the material. The class inspired me to apply for entrance in the George Fox University Master’s in Business Administration (MBA). I told Christine of my attention, and she encouraged me. Unfortunately, my letter and my application were rejected. I believed that I would not be a good candidate for the MBA program and was ready to forget about it; however, Christine did not. She very kindly and persuasively convinced me to really think about it and try again. Which I did and was accepted. It made all the difference in my career, my finances, and my ability to comfortably retire at 65 years old. I went from being a construction supervisor in a cable TV company to being a regional infrastructure director for a major power company. I am grateful for all I learned in my class, but more than anything I am grateful for Christine Green who has been a great teacher, mentor and spiritual guide for me and my community.” – William W. Portland, OR

“Christine skillfully helped my wife and I realize better health and wellbeing, improve our friendships and relationships, and experience greater financial abundance and creative expression as we worked together at our business of 44 years.  She skillfully listened with an affirmative acceptance as she asked the right questions.  She prayed with and for us, offered suggestions and gave us homework …  all that had us find the loving Spirit within ourselves and that made all the difference.” –  John D, Portland, OR

Are you ready for a positive change? Contact me for a free consultation.

Event: Wisdom of the Heart Women’s Retreat

OCTOBER 20-23, 2024

“Activity and rest are two vital aspects of life. To find a balance in them is a skill in itself. Wisdom is knowing when to have rest, when to have activity, and how much of each to have. Finding them in each other – activity in rest and rest in activity – is the ultimate freedom.”  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Whether you long to reconnect with your inner wisdom, or are craving quiet reflection, rest, and renewal, our Wisdom of the Heart Women’s Retreat  will meet your needs.

Rev Christine Green has designed a deeply restorative retreat for women in a nurturing, empowering, and supportive environment. Tap into the transformative power of spiritual principle to nourish your body and soul. Amazing musician Lauri Jones provides heart-felt music to inspire, move and connect us with our sacred self.

Our all-inclusive retreat takes place at Alton Collins Retreat Center, a beautiful center in the lush forest located in Eagle Creek, Oregon. Room, meals and retreat included in the price. There is an option for single or double occupancy.

Having fresh, organic, home-made food is a treasure! Scrumptious meals, lovingly prepared. All dietary requests are honored. No dishes to wash. Just enjoy!

Integrate self-renewal strategies into daily life as you learn to:

  • Slow down and access your inner wisdom
  • Experience guilt-free spiritual practice
  • Tap into self-compassion and self-acceptance
  • Relax and connect with your needs, desires, and emotional well-being
  • Meditate to enhance peace and harmony in everyday life

Enjoy authentic connection with like-minded women as you embrace a new way of being and experience greater freedom and joy.

Wisdom of the Heart Women’s Retreat: Sunday, October 20 at 4 pm through Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at 1 pm

Single Room: $775

Double Room: $655

To register: Please send or scan this registration form along with your deposit

Registration form

$75 nonrefundable deposit holds your space.


Check: Sacred Heart Ministries, 15605 SW 114th Court, #21, Tigard, OR 97224

You will receive regular updates and details upon registration.

I look forward to seeing you at the retreat!!


Rev Christine

Sugar and Spice and the Need to Appease

As I approached seat 6D on my flight, I smiled and told the gentleman he was sitting in my assigned window seat. He smiled back and said he was sure he was in his assigned seat. I looked again at the diagram on the overhead bin and yes, 6D was the window seat, and it was the one listed on my boarding pass. He started looking for his boarding pass. “Do you mean they gave us the same seat?” he mumbled, as he searched for his boarding pass. I did not want to hold up the long line of passengers and quickly said, “You know what, it doesn’t matter.” I hastily stowed my luggage under the seat in front of me and let the line move forward. It was no big deal. 

Or was it? Was I just conned into giving away my window seat? Why was I in such a hurry to give it up? I reflected on how many times I didn’t speak up when someone got in front of me in line or ignored my request. I remembered times I felt invisible to those around me. One part of me felt that giving up my seat wasn’t an issue. It was a short flight, and I had a book to read. Another part of me was livid because I felt manipulated, controlled, disrespected. Was I just trying to be nice?

We all want to be liked, accepted, and included. As a result, we don’t always say what we’re thinking. We often hold back from telling the whole truth so we don’t hurt someone’s feelings. We go out of our way to do things for others so they will approve of us. We suppress what we really think. We hold our tongues. We were taught: Little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. We are told to be seen and not heard. Don’t argue. Don’t yell. Don’t jump around so much. Don’t talk back. Don’t be greedy. Don’t get dirty. For goodness sake, just be nice!

We can learn to set boundaries and not be in such a hurry to give up our own good for the sake of others. It takes patience, as we learn to speak up for ourselves. The passenger in 6D was not the cause of my pain. If I felt empowered, I would be free to speak up and hold my ground knowing that was my seat. I would speak my truth rather than silence myself.

Are you ready to speak up, stand up, and show up for yourself?

Affirm: I am aware, alert and willing to take charge of my life.

Excerpt from Conscious Choices: A Women’s Guide to Clarity, Courage and Connection

Celebrating Newness

“Spring is the best life coach: It gives you all the energy you want, all the positive thoughts you wish and all the boldness you need!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan

Celebrating Newness

Happy Spring!

There is something wonderful about Springtime. We emerge from the grayness of winter into a kaleidoscope of color in the spring. There is such joy in seeing the flowers blooming, hearing the birds singing, enjoying extended daylight.

Spring signifies a season of hope. We emerge out of the darkness of winter to see the transformation that springtime brings. Perhaps it is the feeling of hopefulness and expectation that things will get better.

We can cultivate that feeling of hope everyday. We don’t have to wait for springtime to arrive. We don’t have to wait for conditions to change in order for us to accept possibilities.

Ernest Holmes invites us to affirm:

“I know that Spirit within me goes before me, making perfect, straight, easy and happy the pathway of my experience. There is nothing in me that can obstruct the divine circuits of Life, of Love, of Beauty and Truth. Today I have faith that my word shall not return to me void.”

You are loved!

Imagine the Possibilities

“Everybody here on this plane is now ready to uplift whether they know it or not. If you can imagine right now that there is a tide that is rising and everyone is being lifted in this frequency, regardless of whether they know it or not, you will begin to understand that what is actually happening here is a global phenomenon.” Paul Selig, Book of Love and Creation

Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night feeling anxiety and dread, worrying about things that may or may not ever happen? Imagine what it would be like during those wake up sessions to contemplate a world of possibilities instead of thoughts of fear and dread. Imagine letting go of the worries of tomorrow and focusing on the infinite potential that await us.

Think about what the world would look like where we truly took control of our thoughts, prioritizing our desires rather than dwelling on what we do not want. While this wouldn’t magically solve all our problems, it would result in a calmer mind, a release of bodily stress, and a fresh perspective. As we see a greater potential for ourselves, we see that for others as well.

According to Joe Dispenza, the brain has the remarkable ability to form fresh neural connections and embrace new ideas. He states, “Spend time, contemplating who you want to be. The mere process of contemplating who you want to be, begins to change your brain.” As we shift to seeing things in a positive light, we raise our frequency. See yourself sending vibrations of love and peace.

We have an opportunity to send love where we see sorrow, to visualize peace where we see conflict, to recognize wholeness in the midst of lack. We look not at the appearances but at the infinite possibilities. We focus our energy and intention on a world that works for everyone.

See yourself sending vibrations of love and peace out before you. Affirm this attunement from Paul Selig:

“I am seeing those before me with love. I am love through the ones I see before me.  I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

“I am choosing now to recognize myself as a Divine Being in full manifestation. As I am activated in Word, I rise above this planet. I rise above the limitations of this physical world, and I claim this: I am Word through all those standing before me on this earth. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

” I am choosing to see all that I see before me in Divine Love.”

Joyful Connections

“When conditions are sufficient there is a manifestation.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh

We made wonderful joyful connections! We talked and shared, laughed and danced and even shed a tear or two. 

Our Wisdom of the Heart Women’s Retreat was truly a celebration of the Spirit. Lauri Jones blessed us with her amazing voice, original music and united us in harmony. The beautiful forest at Alton Collins Retreat Center provided a sacred backdrop as we came together in love. We left uplifted, renewed, reconnected and recommitted to our spiritual practice.

Here’s what the retreat sisters had to say:

This retreat has opened up my heart to feel love again, to forgive more deeply and to further appreciate who I have become.

Connecting with other spiritually like-minded women was an enormous gift!

I call this retreat a soul tuning journey: being in the space which allows me to be completely protected while I explore the areas of my life that needs to grow.

I come alone and leave with a new tribe. The laughter, tears and very real sharing is heartfelt and I can feel it in the very core of my being.

I’ve been attending Rev Christine’s retreats for 10 years and they always take me deeper within myself.

I love the sacred, beautiful, healing container you create for us to come together and go deep into spiritual practice.

I love the mix of spirituality and fun, the peace of Alton Collins and the wonderful food that nourishes us.

I love Lauri’s voice, her style and her gentleness.

The Wisdom of the Heart retreats really do help reveal the Wisdom of one’s heart-self.

Rev Christine has a way of acknowledging each person’s experience in a way that values the person.

This was an opportunity to find time to rest and relax and deepen my spiritual awareness. I found new “sisters” and grew closer to the ones I already knew. 

This deeply spiritual retreat, as always, changed my life. It moved me from anxiety to wholeness and gratitude.

I appreciate the safe and trusting environment for all participants, allowing us to connect with each other and our souls.