I don’t know about you, but this holiday season has felt like a rollercoaster of emotions. Lofty highs and rock-bottom lows and depleting energy in-between. I found myself feeling blue for no real reason or feeling lonely with plenty of people around. I feel like I have a label on my forehead that reads — Fragile: Handle with Care.

We are all a bit fragile during the holidays. There are expectations, demands, promises, hopes, fears, worries, and grief all swirling together. We have our own personal challenges to deal with as well as feeling the pain of humanity’s injustices. 

Here is my simple practice to bring me back to balance.

• Breathe and remember the gift of life.

• Be mindful and acknowledge how I am feeling.

• Be grateful for all the blessings in my life.

• Love myself first and extend that love to others.

• Speak with loving kindness.

Here is a prayer that brings me back to Love:

I am grateful for this new day. I embrace this day knowing God is revealed as the radiant, energizing, joy-filled presence of Love. I know Love moves into the very cells of my being bringing light, harmony, and peace. I accept guidance to willingly let go of any resentment, hurt or disappointment. I invite the healing presence of Love to wash away any pain or darkness. I enter this day with a grateful heart and receive all the blessings Love has in store for me. And so it is. Amen.

Regardless of emotions or appearances in your life, please know that you are loved and appreciated.

May the light of the season guide your days with wisdom, fill your heart with joy and surround you with the presence of love.

republished 12/22