“When you get into the consciousness of the flow of the creative process within you, there will be a constant inner-direction in your life, leading to a deep sense of meaning…”  Eric Butterworth, In The Flow Of Life

Some days, I am more efficient at catching my thoughts moving in a downward spiral. I was working on a project recently and realized I was thinking there was not enough time, energy or resources to complete it. I felt my stamina fade and my brain start to shut down.

It is important to catch thoughts of limitation quickly before they have time to take hold. Thoughts that spiral down are similar to a runaway car speeding down the hill. If we let them go, they will run away with our imagination and make up all kinds of stories of worry and fear.

The practice is to stop the limited thought quickly and realign ourselves to the universal flow of life. 

These affirmations from In The Flow Of Life by Eric Butterworth lift me out of limitation and energize me back into the flow.

Be still and know…I am in the flow.

I move forward in the flow of life; unhurried and unworried.

I am in the flow of life, and I move easily with the flow. I am radiantly and enthusiastically alive.

I am free from tension, stress, and strain. I go forward in the flow of life—unhurried and unworried.

I am a child of the universe, established eternally in the healing stream. I am strengthened, renewed, restored, and made whole in every way.

I know my responsibility is to see with the eyes of love.

I am in the flow of life, and I relate easily and lovingly, patiently and understandingly with all persons.

I go forth in the joyous certainty that whatever person or situation may come to me this day, it will be good, for I will be in the flow of good. And if I should have even a fleeting moment of concern, I will simply let go…and let flow.

I accept the reality of this situation, but not its permanence. I know that this, too, shall pass away.

Copy these into your phone or print this page and keep it nearby. Use them as  reminders of being in the flow.

Most of all, know that you are loved.